Thursday, March 5, 2009

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Ok book clubbers. We discussed our love of the first book in the series last night. For those of you who haven't read it yet, Twilight is not a book you want to skip! We're moving right along to New Moon next. I can't wait!


cara said...

Hey Clubbers, this is totally unrelated to vamps, but wanted to let everyone know about a new blog I'm putting together - It will have tips and hints on having a tidier life. Hey, maybe I could post something about getting blood off of your teeth or out of your clothes? Gross!! Maybe not. Check it out and I'll see you all next month!! :-)

Kristen said...

I loved reading Twilight. I just started New Moon. I watched the movie over the weekend. I think they followed the book pretty good. I am glad that my book club friends don't judge me because I am in my 30's, happily married, pregnant and I have a crush on a fictional 17 year old vampire boy. Y'all think that's normal, right?