Friday, August 24, 2007


For those of you that weren't there the other night, we're reading to page 250 for next week. I need to start reading!


Kristen said...

I am not very comfortable with hospitals or dead people. I don't know why. It's not like I haave had any bad experiences or anything, but if I saw someone wake up....who I thought was dead for a few hours.....I would probably pass out.

Caroline said...

No doubt-I would do the same thing. I think you would be so torn between happiness and complete fear that it would be weird. Really weird

Kristen said...

I finished the book. I agree with Cara, Elner made me want to be a little nicer. It may only last a few days, but I am going to be a nicer person this week.

Caroline said...

I finished the book too today at my open house! It was good-I enjoyed it and I almost cried a couple of times. I would like to be a little bit more like Elner. Or, maybe just Caroline is pretty good too. You know, we all leave our mark...just in different ways. Elner was known as sweet and lovable. What will people say about you??